Saturday, March 19, 2011

  Well, I can no longer stay silent on this issue, in face of the fact that we may well be headed for an "election" whichm, in reality, is nothing more than grandstanding for the sake of personal agrandizement of those in the "Liberal Party of Canada" thirsting for power (up front, or in the back rooms)-- or, more accurately, the thirst for power and self agrandizement of the leader himself. Why would I make such a comment? There are many and varied reasons, but in light of the historical belief that "we were born to rule," which is the inherent belief of the party, time is running out. If If "Iggy," as he is referred to, does not get it this time, he will be replaced by an unforgiving party immediately, if not sooner.

  For a moment, let's look at the "Liberal Party," and see what we find.

  It is peopled by some with oddly un-Liberal backgrounds.

  For example, there are two ex provincial premiers who were stalwart and unwavering's, both of whom decried federal Liberal policies" constantly while premiers of their provinces. One was 'recruited' by Mr. Ignatieff and without hesitation immediately switched over. offering "full and unquestioning support" support of the party and the other, after enough "urging" by some allowed himself to be nominated and elected as a Liberal and quite straight-faced was able to state that after joining he had "learned some things which made his decision comfortable.

  Forgive my cynicism, but that brings to mind a saying of my granddad when he heard of such "newfound wisdom":  I wouldn't swallow too much of that, Elmer, it came from the barnyard."  Ain't that the truth??

  We also see some "conservatives" who were enlightened and suddenly became ministers as well.

  However, during the "election of a new leader," if we accept that term, we had a plethora of interesting personalities join the "race." When the reality of the annointing became obvious to even them, they graciously withdrew and pledged to support the new leader without question. One candidate got my attention because of her comments at one point while a Member of Parliament during some discussion in the House, that "...even while we speak, there are crosses burning in Prince George." Perhaps the heat from the sunshine province was overwhelming at the time, but it is frightening to think that, by some mathematical freak she indeed could have ended up as the new leader and, again, with a mathematical freak, have become Prime Minister of Canada. On that note one of the previously mentioned ex-NDP premiers was wont to say: "I have learned some things. No doubt about that. Having a very astute mind he learned that it was possible (even if not probable) that he, too, may have made to the leadership and even perhaps become the Prime Minister.

  Having spent much time discussing many things and listening to the various comments from any number of MPs over the years, there is no doubt in my mind that playing political poker is indeed very common with those in politics with aspirations to "greater heights." You just have to remember that when and if you do lose that hand, you immediately indicate your "absolute faith to the party and the new leader" and pledge unwavering support -- at least until the next "opportunity" is "forced" on you be circumstances over which you have no control.  Then you adopt the position of praising whoever you are attempting to replace and "bow to the demands of those around you."

  A caustic comment, if I may, regarding Mr. Ignatieff. 

  I find it singularly offensive to watch a "leader" or "potential leader" demonstrate the ultimate sign of an inflated ego by blowing kisses to the unwashed.  Sort of reminds one of Libya and other such places, does it not?  In any even, my own opinion is that it is a sign one should be wary of and, to me at least, embarrassing as a Canadian.

  Enough for now -- hopefully Canadian firearms owners will realize their future in the firearms sports and that of their offspring for generations is in dire peril.

  Think of it, what other subject has been front and centre of all political parties since 1969, with the introduction of Bill C-150 by Pierre Trudeau?  None.  The saving grace recently has been the attempt of the Conservatives to remove that onerous and costly, ineffective and NON-CRIME FIGHTING piece of legislation.  And EVERY other recognized party that has members in the House of Commons has thwarted their efforts in that regard at every step of the way.  Does that in and of itself not raise some concerns?????  It ought to and, if firearms owners would get together as a single voting group, with support of siblings, mates, parents, cousins and so on, the issue would be solved once and for all.


  'Til next time.

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